NMALLOCY LineWidth Heightd TblData WinHandleL A1010 A1010.Prep.Window ScrlSlct WinStack WinFrame WinPoint TblSlct4 Heading A0561E A0561.LoadText FlSpecm Target Target.File Flcnt Count A0500 A0500.Dim.Array FlFind) DirList A2000V A2000.NextDir XFname Fattr ftime fdatee Fsize1 Fsize2p Fsize Tot.FilesB Tot.Fsizer Target.Dir@ NextDir FindFile MenuText Location TColors TLength SText StackSize A1000 A1000.Window.Hskp Putline MaxWin ExitKeys TabLen' InitWin CngWin Frame Shade PushWin Putwind A1020 A1020.PopWindow PopWin ScrlSlct.Basf Copyright (c) 1988 Marcel Madonna* SCRLSLCT.BAS shows the use of the multiple select bar menu with QBWARE. Dim arrays for QB Syntax check only - we REDIM them later Set up housekeeping for window drivers Assume you will see no flicker Change this value to 0 if the screen flickers Window stack - we keep screen images and other info heres Define maximum number of windows as 20 we keep specific window data herem DOS file mask Get a count of matching filese Did we find any files? Initialize each element of array to 40 blanks There are no files in this directory Aborting sample program" Each element of the array will be broken down into components The layout of each item is: Pos. Description File Attributes 6-13 File creation time (HH:MM:SS)o 14-23 File creation date (MM-DD- 24-25 Low order file size 26-27 High order file size 28-39 File name Files" was selected")